60 Seconds Exploring Design & Technology since 1988

Teachable Moment: when does a lie becomes the truth?


When does a lie become the truth? Just ask CNN, Nancy Pelosi, or Adam Schiff. They are professional liars. Lies told again and again eventually become the truth, not because it’s true, but because the public comes to believe it.

The main stream media has learned this lesson so well, they practice it almost every day.

Go Google “The Charlottesville Lie” as a perfect example. The alt-left politicians and the main stream media slightly twisted something Donald Trump said about Charlottesville, and repeated it a million times. Of course what they were saying was an outright lie. Period. Plain false statement. But guess what … the public, and maybe even you, believed it. One media chants the lie, and all the others fall into line and swear by it.

Teachable Moment : The more times you hear a claim repeated in the media, the more reasons you have to question it.


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60 Seconds Exploring Design & Technology since 1988
Fred Showker explores design, graphics, computing, social media, marketing, and the online world with an eye to entertaining, amazing information that will possibly make you think!

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