60 Seconds Exploring Design & Technology since 1988

AuthorFred Showker

What does data collection mean for a child’s future?


children and computers

We often see parents using technology as a baby sitter.  That’s pretty concerning, but then I see children in the 8, 9, to 12 range with YouTube channels, and Instagram movie channels, and discussion forums on Facebook.  It’s a little bit more than concerning — knowing there are stalkers and predators collecting their every move!

Netscape has taken the initiative to ask  “What does data collection mean for a child’s future?”


He’s done, he’s done. There’s no question about that, he’s done!


I laughed so hard when I first saw this I thought I would wet myself!  But you know, it’s true — the media is way over the top when they slander Donald Trump!

Shortly after this video came out, I offered a $1,000 Amazon Gift Card for anyone who could accurately provide the number of times the media lied in this video — BOOM, the video was removed and the account blocked on YouTube!  Who removed it, or why, I do not know. Here it is again, on a mirror site.

Just remember, this was 2017.


Direct link:  https://youtu.be/xwW9RZCEydw   ----------------------

MEDIA CENSORING: anyone who doesn’t believe that the big sites are censoring conservative content consider this:

Shortly after I proposed a $1,000 Amazon gift certificate to the first person to give an accurate count of the number of times the media lied in this video! The video was removed from YouTube. The original link was:

Social-media anger is a feature, not a bug


In a super interesting, and readable article, Rob Howard hits the nail on the head when he points out what BREAKING NEWS is really all about!  He opens with:

Not long ago, Americans woke up with the worst social media hangover in the history of civilization. Even if you hadn’t jumped into the fray yourself, you probably saw posts like these:

  • “If you can’t handle the truth, unfriend me.”
  • “Please unfriend me now if you don’t like what I believe.”
  • “I will still love you, but unfriend me if you need to.”

And, if you’re being honest, you probably took a few of those friends up on their challenge. [End Quote]


60 Seconds Exploring Design & Technology since 1988
Fred Showker explores design, graphics, computing, social media, marketing, and the online world with an eye to entertaining, amazing information that will possibly make you think!

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