60 Seconds

Exploring Design & Technology since 1988

How much should I charge?


In the Design Cafe, I provided this answer to the following question:

 > "... got an opportunity to design a newspaper and magazine for a 
 > non-profit organization. ... wanted to just up the print 10-15% 
 > and make commission off of the ads sold!
 > Basically, how do I price for this newspaper? 
 > How do I price for this -- full color, about 50 pages -- 
 > How much should I charge??

Pricing Creative Services… (more…)

A History of Motivational Posters


Sylvester Jalnaiz from Canva wrote in and asked me to replace one of my pages links with his. Sort of rude, but he’s an outreach officer for a site that has exploited the amateur graphic design market. But then when attempting to get access to the site, it asked me to sign in using GOOGLE. OH NO!!! Big RED flag! Never, ever sign in to a web site using any other web site ID/Password! Bad, bad karma! (more…)

International Women’s Day


Womens Day

For nearly 20 years, the Design Center celebrated International Women’s Month in March, and then “Designing Women” in April.

Now we’re following those incredible photographers at UnSplash as they celebrate the visions of Women’s Day …


Cybercrime, and Cyber War will get you long before climate change!



I recently had a discussion with some folks about the worst threat facing the world today.  Climate change was the answer.  Then there was an NPR survey on Facebook asking “what’s the biggest threat to America” … and you guessed it, climate change won the cigar. I wrote Cyberwar, but it didn’t even come up in the top ten list.  People just don’t know what’s really going on. (more…)

60 Seconds Exploring Design & Technology since 1988
Fred Showker explores design, graphics, computing, social media, marketing, and the online world with an eye to entertaining, amazing information that will possibly make you think!

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