This is why TWITTER suspended
the 60-Seconds account

60-Seconds followed the C-Span presentation of
The Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government
These images were then posted to Twitter as a "critique" series.
Each post carried a link to the C-Span video, as it should.
The next morning we were permanently suspended for "SPAM"
There was no warning. There was no explanation.

The Federal Government hears testimony on the abuse of
power complaints against the FBI.
Testifying are whistleblowers who have stepped forward --
two currently suspended employees and one former agent
Follow along by watching the full video on C-SPAN
Form your own opinions.
The following comments are our observations.

Vile and pernicious: The ranking member, Stacey Plaskett, Democrat from
the Virgin Islands, was so sinister, some of her statements just took our
breath away! It's difficult to believe anyone would act that way in public!
  .  . 
Whistleblowers are not whistleblowers? The Adam Schiff technique!
Unlike Schiff who actually had no whistleblower, but claimed he did, when
confronted by real, undeniable whistle blowers, Dan Goldman, a Democrat
from New York sweats and claims they're not whistleblowers.
  .  . 
obfuscation of the issues: Gerry Connolly, Democrat from Virginia, tries
"soft-talk" to twist and mangle testimony into a new false narrative.
He delivers obvious disinformation trying to make us think it's true.
  .  . 
Reverse the Narrative: Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) switches up
the narrative, introducing the Democrat's next conspiracy theory:
"The Republicans want to defund the police!"
  .  . 
Attack, Slander, Ignore: From the very beginning, the Democrats on this
committee, like Linda Sánchez, D-CA, tried to derail the hearings by attacking
and slandering the whistleblowers. They continually introduced
more disinformation and outright lies into the proceedings.
  .  . 
Playing Stupid: The California Democrats seemed to be particularly rude
and venomous! John Garamendi actually played the "stupid" card, claiming
he did not understand "why" the committee was having the hearing!
  .  . 
Reciting a prepared speech? The Democrats appeared to have arrived
with a prepared script. Sylvia Garcia, D-TX, simply ignored any meaningful
questions and and stumbled testifying disinformation. It was so bad,
one of the whistleblowers had to declare "That's not true!"
  .  . 
Hammering away at their script: Stephen Lynch, D-MA, pressed
Garamendi's script harder, twisting the truth, pushing their conspiracy theory.
  .  . 
A planned, coordinated attack: The Democrats came prepared to attack and
slander the whistleblowers and shift the attention away from the Democrat's
criminal acts. They deployed their sinister plan without remorse!
  .  . 

So now we know TWITTER still censors
freedom of speech, and proper link crediting
of information when it disagrees with the
current political regime!

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